Thursday, May 19, 2016


Hey guys,
So as ya'll have maybe noticed, I have stopped posting/blogging over here. And to be honest, I've just been really demotivated really to write anything. Like in the beginning I would just have ideas in my head all the time, but now it's just empty. I don't know if it's because of my studies and pressure but it's been hard. And I haven't been able to try a lot of products cause I'm mostly at home. And I just haven't had time. Like I have tried products but I just don't have any time right now. All of my days are spent studying, eating and sleeping being really honest. And I just wanted to say that I won't be blogging for a while. I'll be back but I'm not sure when. I will leave links to the blog on all of my social media if you are interested in reading my blog at all. And just to clarify, I will be active mostly on snapchat and Instagram, but nothing else.So I guess goodbye for now lovelies😘. 

Until we meet again.....