Monday, April 4, 2016

DIY Lip Scrub Tutorial💋

Hey guys, so yes it has been a really long time since I have updated this blog. I haven't ignored ya'll at all, it was just that I had my exams and stuff so it was really hectic. But now I'm free so I'm gonna try to update ya'll as much as possible. I do have a lot of ideas in my mind so stay tuned. 

So today I decided to update ya'll with a tutorial of a lip scrub. Now if u are like me whose lips get dry with change of  seasons, this tutorial is for you.  This is also really helpful for people with dry/chapped lips in general. This happens a lot with me. Recently in Mumbai the wheather  has changed from winter to summer and it's really irritating. So this is a full home-made recipe whose ingedients you already must me having at you're house already. 

The ingredients you will need are:
1.A container to put you're scrub in
2.Oil. And I feel coconut oil is the best to use but you can also you vegetable oil. 
4.Any type of flavour that you want but in a powder form. Here I have used chili powder. 
5.Sugar (any type of sugar will work, just not powdered sugar)

For Tools you will need;
1.A bowl to combine the ingredients
2.A grinder. I'm just using the one I have in the house. 
3.A spoon(Obviously)

First you take only one spoon of sugar and add it to a bowl. Sugar is very essential as it helps in removing the dead skin from the lips. Now you can use any type of sugar that you want but powdered sugar. You either do all normal sugar, or normal as well as grinded, or all grinded. Totally upto you. I wanted tp experiment with both grinded and normal   So yeah. 

Then take another spoonfull and add it to the grinder. 

Now it maybe tiring, but u need to grind the sugar until it turns into a powder-like consistency. 

Depending on how much scrub you need, add equal proportions of both normal and grinded sugar. 

Next you nees to take you're oil. And add half the amount of oil as the sugar. For example, if you have put 4 spoons of sugar, so add only 2 spoonfull of oil. Here I'm using Parachute hair oil which is a coconut oil. And yes you can use this in the mixture. You can use vegetable oil as well. The reason for adding the coconut oil is that it acts like a moisturiser for the lips. 

And just simply add it with the sugar in the bowl. 

Next take the honey. 

And again simply add it to the bowl. One spoonfull is enough. The reason for adding the honey is that honey acts like a natural moisturising agent which helps to remove darkness, as well as keeps the lips soft. 

By this time, the mixture should look like this. But it's missing some spice to go in with all that sweetness. 

Now as a spice I used chili powder. Now I know that ya'll reading this are probably like,"Chili on the lips? Is she mad" , "That stuff can ruin you're lips" and all of that. But wait, hold up. First of all, yes chili powder can cause damage to the lips, but only if you use excess amount. A little bit will not harm you at all. And if you we're present when the Kylie Jenner Lip challenge was going on, to acheive big/plum lips, other youtubers/beauty bloggers who we're not a part of that challenge did use spices. Kaymen Peper was one of them I think and Chili was also there. So just make sure to use very less amount of Chili powder if you are even using Chili powder. You can use Pumpkin Spice, Bubblegum, Cotton candy, etc. 

Now with all of the ingredients put together just mix all of them till they are properly combined. 

Now just scoop all of the scrub into you're container. 

Now by the time I made this scrub, I realised that it wasnt enough. So I just did all of the above steps again. And also while mixing if you feel that the scrub is too wet then add more sugar, and if the mixture looks a little dry then add more oil. 

So I did use this and the consistency was quiet thick, but to me it wasn't that big of a deal. It applied really nicely and the grinded sugar actually went in the cracks which is good. 

As ya'll can see, my lips do look more soft than they were before. The Chili did make them look bigger. As well as the honey with the sugar added a pink colour to my lips as well. Also, after removing the scrub, if you use chili powder, you're lips will burn for a minute which is completely normal. So do not worry. 

Just to let ya'll know. Now this is the kind of routine that you should do every alternate day or after 2-3 days. Upto you. The day when you do decide to exfoliate you're lips, do it twice a day. It's not necessary to do it everyday for 4-5 times. Over-exfoliation can result in bleeding of the lips so just be careful. 

So here you guys go, that was my DIY Lip Scrub tutorial. Please do comment down below if this tutorial was helpful for anyone. Do share this post if you think someone else will be benefitted by this. Thank ya'll so much for reading. 
Until next time...😘

1 comment:

  1. I also make my own lip scrub and i am always looking for more guide to see if i can add any information to my blog
    Cheers ! pooja
    I also have a blog where i speak about Lip Care
    Here a link if you want to check it out --> MY Blog
